Circus Olympus: A Storyline
written by Colleen Vallerga
Circus Olympus is a community service Storyline that features the Ronald McDonald house as its service project. This Storyline is built around a circus with a story, Greek Myths. Teachers/students can choose a different community service project or a different story on which to base their circus and easily substitute the changes into the Storyline.

Grades: 1-5
Total Number of Pages: 37
PDF Storyline Outline – $40.00
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Storyline Overview
Can the students help the Ronald McDonald House raise needed money by creating a circus? Students get to work creating a circus setting and finding a story/stories on which to base their circus. The Greek myths are chosen and students begin an in-depth study of the myths.
Circus performer characters are created and needed circus skills are identified.
Daily rhythms are established and circus training begins. Performers are trained in balance, juggling, magic tricks, and clowning.
As the Storyline continues, problems arise that the performers work to solve.
After the circus training, the performers work in groups to combine their Greek myths and circus skills into an enchanting circus act.
A ringmaster is selected and the acts are combined into a show. Performers practice.
Performers advertise their circus, hoping to attract a large audience to raise funds for the Ronald McDonald House.
Circus Olympus comes to life. The performers dazzle the audience with their show.
Students donate the circus profits to the Ronald McDonald House. They explore the value of community service as they discuss how community service benefits the givers, the receivers, and the community.
Students suggest future community service projects in which they can participate.
Standards and Instruction Covered
Common Core Language Arts Standards
- Reading Literature
- Reading Informational Text
- Speaking and Listening
- Writing
- Language
Social Sciences Standards (Oregon Department of Education)
- Social Science Analysis
Next Generation Science Standards
- Motion and Stability
- Energy
- Gravity
- Matter and Its Interactions
Health Education Standards (Oregon Department of Education)
- Promotion of Physical Activity
- Unintentional Injury Prevention
Service Learning
- Community Service
Art Standards (Oregon Department of Education)
- Visual Arts
- Theater
- Music
- Dance