The Knights Of The Round Table Storyline®

written by Colleen Vallerga

An image of the Castle frieze from the Knights Of The Roundtable Storyline


Castle “frieze” from the Storyline.

Grades: 2-4
Total Number of Pages:  142


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Storyline Overview

The Storyline begins with a novel study of the King Arthur legend based on King Arthur and Knights of the Round Table by Estelle B. Schneider. The novel follows Arthur from his birth to his crowning as King and his marriage to Guinevere. It ends as he is searching for exemplary knights to fill his Round Table. While reading the legend, students create one of King Arthur’s castles and learn about life in medieval times. Students then become knights-in-training and are given a list of tasks they need to complete before they can become one of the exclusive Knights of the Round Table.

Poetry/Writing Tasks (generated by 2-3 grade students)

Ode to My Shield

Shield painted green and white
Like grass and snow
Protects me in battle
Is filled with sorrow
We won the battle
Shield and I
But dented and bruised
I fixed it up
Shield looks happy
So am I
I put my shield next to my bed
And go to sleep.

Sir Marhault

Dear King Arthur,

You don’t know one speck of me. I am Wiley the chapel monk. I pray day and night. God tells me many things about wars and terrible things that have happened in our fearless land.

I am fair and caring. I follow the rules of God. I pray seven times a day, like the rules say, so I am good and holy. I do everything the king says. I help everybody in need. I do the work I need to do. I tell you if there is a battle or if there is something terrible happening.

The thing is, I really want to be a knight that is strong and willing. I want to be a famous knight that never loses battles! I want to be rich. I want more fun than sitting in a chapel and praying. I just want to impress you.

Your monk,

The tasks continue as they write stories, dance, draw, make music, and learn the positive character traits that every knight must have. The biggest challenge involves a quest on which the knights-in-training are to journey to a far land and bring back a legend for King Arthur and all the kingdom to hear. In the end, the knights-in-training are all dubbed Knights of the Round Table by King Arthur.

Standards and Instruction Covered

Common Core Language Arts Standards

Reading Literature

  • Key Ideas and Details
  • Craft and Structure
  • Integration of Knowledge and Ideas

Reading Informational Text

  • Key Ideas and Details
  • Craft and Structure
  • Integration of Knowledge and Ideas

Speaking and Listening

  • Comprehension and Collaboration
  • Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas


  • Text Types and Purposes
  • Production and Distribution of Writing
  • Research to Build and Present Knowledge


  • Vocabulary

Social Science Standards (Oregon Department of Education)

  • Geography
  • Civics and Government
  • Historical Knowledge
  • Historical Thinking
  • Social Science Analysis

Health Education Standards (Oregon Department of Education)

  • Promotion of Mental, Social and Emotional Health

Character Trait Education

Art Standards (Oregon Department of Education)

  • Visual Arts
  • Theater
  • Music
  • Dance
