Classroom Storyline Outlines
- Monarch
A Storyline by Colleen Vallerga - The Museum of Wonders
A Storyline by Colleen Vallerga - The Red Bicycle
A Storyline by Colleen Vallerga - Weslandia
A Storyline by Colleen Vallerga - Circus Olympus
A Storyline by Colleen Vallerga - My Heart is a Compass
A Storyline by Colleen Vallerga - Old Rock
A Storyline by Colleen Vallerga - Eric Carle Land
A Storyline by Colleen Vallerga - Rewilding
A Storyline by Colleen Vallerga - Apple Pie
A Storyline by Colleen Vallerga - The Honeybee Man
A Storyline by Colleen Vallerga
The Storyline outlines include episodes, key questions, activities, class organization, resources, standards and assessment. Each outline provides detailed instructions for comprehensive Storyline implementation.

Student art by JJ Howard’s class.