Old Rock: A Storyline
written by Colleen Vallerga
The Storyline is based on the book Old Rock (is not boring) by Deb Pilutti.

Student art by Caitlin Vallerga’s class.
Grades: K-3
Total Number of Pages: 19
PDF Storyline Outline – $40.00
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Storyline Overview
As the story begins, Old Rock’s neighbors are wondering if the life of a rock might be terribly boring. Old Rock sets out to prove them wrong as he tells the story of his long life and many adventures.
Old Rock’s story begins when he, and his rock friends, burst from a volcano 1.8 million years ago. In the course of their lives, Old Rock and his friends travel through the time of dinosaurs and the Ice Age, to the years when the mastodons roamed the earth. All along the way, students witness Old Rock’s amazing adventures and enhance the story though the eyes of their own adventurous rock.
Science and reading inquiry centers provide the opportunity for students to investigate and extend their learning as they move through time. Construction, art, writing, and music centers allow students to explore, create, and use their imaginations as they delve into the distinctive features of each epoch.
When students discover that the life of a rock is far from boring, they devise a means to spread this knowledge to others. They present their findings, highlighting the exciting life of Old Rock and his rock friends.
Standards and Instruction Covered
Common Core Language Arts Standards
- Reading Literature
- Reading Informational Text
- Speaking and Listening
- Writing
- Language
Next Generation Science Standards
- Eight Scientific Practices
- Matter and its Interactions
- Earth’s Place in the Universe
- Earth’s Systems
- Engineering Design
- From Molecules to Organisms
- Biological Evolution
- Energy
Mathematics Standards (Oregon Department of Education)
- Measurement and Data
Social Science Standards (Oregon Department of Education)
- Historical Knowledge
- Historical Thinking
Art Standards (Oregon Department of Education)
- Theater
- Visual Arts
- Music