The Honeybee Man: An ELD Storyline
written by Colleen Vallerga

Student art by Caitlin Vallerga’s class.
Grades: K-5
PDF Storyline Outline – $40.00
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Storyline Overview
This ELD Storyline is based on The Honeybee Man, by Lela Nargi. The book is about a beekeeper named Fred who lives in Brooklyn. It is a magical story that provides the perfect base for an ELD Storyline. During the Storyline, the students experience what life would be like in a hive through the eyes of their honeybee characters. Ample opportunities for student discussion and interaction are provided throughout this ELD Storyline. All 10 of Oregon’s English Language Proficiency (ELP) standards are included. This Storyline can be used for kindergarten through fifth grade.
ELD Storyline Outlines — Each ELD Storyline outline gives a complete overview. It includes the episodes, key questions, activities, class organization, resources and Oregon’s English Language Proficiency (ELP) standards. In addition to the outline, you will need to purchase a copy of the book that the ELD Storyline is based on. ELD Storyline Sample Page.